Friday, April 30, 2010
Oh yeah...
So the excitement from last week and early this week has started to wane. I came to the realization that the tenure-track position that I starts in the fall does precisely that: It starts in the fall. I have a million things that I have to do now, and have to get back to it.One thing that I did was finally decide not to go to the Big Annual Conference in my field this year. It's in Sardinia, which made it a very tough decision, but honestly, the energy I'd have to put into planning the trip (and going to it) was just too much. The very notion of traveling right now makes me a little ill. Plus, we'll have trips over the summer to NY to find apartments for the both of us, and it's not essential that I go to this.
Something else I was thinking about was what I will do about this blog in the fall. I'm not very secretive about my identity with this, and I do think that it may have to be something that falls by the wayside as I enter the realm of Being a Responsible Professor. I know, all four of you who read this regularly will be disappointed, but there's another very important issue here. The very name of this blog is centered around where I live. Sure, I could cut out "Colonial" (it's not in the url of this site, after all), but I'm not moving to a 'burg again (unless I live in a certain neighborhood in Brooklyn which is not going to happen because well, it's too ridiculous of a commute for me to work and I don't think I could handle being around all those hipsters regularly).
These are important issues. Really, I'm working right now.