Wednesday, April 28, 2010

No windows

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this here, but the current office in which I reside (co-reside, really, with two others) has no windows. It's not a big deal (although come to think of it, it's the first I've ever had without windows), but there are times when it's a problem.

See, the latest officemate arrived just a few weeks ago. He's a great guy, very nice and often overly considerate. But see, he walks to work. It's not too far, maybe a 30-40 minute walk. But it's getting warm out. You perhaps may see where I am going with this and you are partially right.

He understands the issues with walking so far in the extremely warm weather. So he makes up for it when he gets here. Problem is, he has an aerosol (really? they still make those?) deoderant that he applies, in the office. So while I appreciate the "not wanting to smell badly" sentiment, there are issues in that it now smells like Ax body spray in here, and well, there is no window to get fresh air in. And so it lingers.

Four more months...


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