Wednesday, March 17, 2010

245 steps

When I walk, I tend to count. Usually this only happens when I'm on stairs, but I will often just count steps on a regular basis. This is why I know that every flight between floors here in our temporary building on campus has a different number of steps (between the basement and the third floor, there are six flights, each with a number of steps varying between 6 and 13 in a random manner, and this bugs me).

Yesterday I went to check the mail at home and learned that it is roughly 245 steps (including going down the steps in the building) from our front door to the mailboxes. This is a very important piece of information. Once I realize what it's good for I'll let you know.


Blogger Sarahlynn said...

I do this, too! I figured it was part of my borderline OCD. (A physician friend once pseudo-diagnosed me: Sarahlynn, of course you're obsessive-compulsive. But for you it's a syndrome not a disorder because you can still function. OK...)

I also count to go to sleep, while I'm jogging, in awkward situations . . .

And that's too many ellipses for one comment.

March 18, 2010 at 12:22 AM 

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