Thursday, July 31, 2008
Post-mid-week fizzle
I've been contemplating many things this morning, many of which are not work. This often happens: I am gung-ho Monday through Wednesday, then things just start tapering off toward the weekend. So what do I do? I think about other things. Most of what I'm thinking about have to do with the upcoming fall.Corbett will be leaving the 'burg in a few weeks. This is no good. But he does have to teach in the fall, and I know he's excited about doing that. Plus there's the whole "New York is better than the 'burg" issue. It's been a good run, but we knew it had to end.
Then there is the teaching I'll be doing. Yes, I'm teaching again in the fall, and there are, so far, only four students in the class. That'll be fine. The only times it's a problem are when one or two of them are there, but no one else. Hmmm.
Multiple trips coming up: Trento, Bonn, Seoul. I'm lukewarm to this.
Job applications are returning. That's right, I just finished the process to start all over again. The first on the list has appeared, so I'm going to start the "make myself look better" process yet again. Go me!
Now I should get back to work.