Monday, July 28, 2008

Road trip

So we're going to embarck on a ridiculous road trip today. We are heading up to DC to have dinner with Ellen. Yup. That's it. A three-hour (one-way, and nominally, if there's–-ha ha--no traffic) drive to have dinner and come home.

What's that? You have problems with this idea?

1) Gas prices are ridiculous! Well, in some sense this is not a big deal. This is a 300-mile trip (total), which is roughly 9 gallons of gas (at most) in my car. Even at the $4.00 a gallon rate (which is not what it is in the 'burg, and I'll do my best to only fill the tank here), that's $36.00. Not too bad. And yes there's the whole "carbon footprint" problem, but I don't drive much as it is, so I should be allowed one major slip up.

2) 6 hours of driving for dinner? Alrighty, you make a good point here, and honestly this was the main stickler. But road trips are fun, and really, this makes a nice change of pace from our daily routine. It gets tiring for every single day to be "go to work, come home, make dinner, watch a movie/TV, go to bed." I like this perfectly-planned-out-spontaneity that happens every so often.

3) Going to our nation's capitol and not staying for a while? How un-American! For this I just say that a) I've been to DC before, b) they are just monuments, c) visiting places like this is only fun when you know someone who lives there, and d) I live in the true birthplace of our nation.

Besides, it's Ellen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heck, yeah!

July 31, 2008 at 9:32 AM 

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