Monday, March 29, 2010

Two trips, three reasons

It's pouring today, and we had thunderstorms all last night. What does this mean? For those in the know, it means I didn't sleep well last night because of a certain dog who is terrified of storms. So as you can see, it's a great start to the week.

I have several trips planned for the next few weeks. I get to go to California on Wednesday, for an interview, and I'll be there for just about a day. Nothing like flying across the country for a trip that short! I'm not 100% excited about this interview, but at the same time, I'm sort of looking forward to it.

In about two weeks, I will get to return to NY! That is something I am psyched about. I won't get to play much while there, as I have another interview up there, so the first two days of being there will be filled with that. At that interview I get to give a talk and teach a class, so there'll be a lot to prepare (luckily I have a talk all set). Immediately following that I get to go to Brookhaven for a US collaboration meeting (this is where we get to all get together and beg for computer time). I have a talk to write for that as well. Hoo-rah.

Oh, and the best part is that I get to spend another birthday at the lab. Last year I visited Brookhaven and gave a talk on my birthday. This year, well, the talk isn't on my birthday, but I'll get to spend that day there nonetheless. Score!

Monday, March 22, 2010


So the summer is not yet here, but the humidity is. This is a terrible problem here in the temporary office we have, as there is no window, and we are at the mercy of the college in terms of the air conditioner. (In other words, we can only have the air conditioning on when the campus decides it's time, and well, I would heartily agree that March is quite a bit early.)

This means that I'll have to start wearing shorts in my office, even though I don't want to yet. It's warm enough outside to, but I'm not mentally prepared for this change. The irony of course is that once summer really kicks in, the buildings will be so cold that I won't want to wear shorts.

My life is so difficult.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

245 steps

When I walk, I tend to count. Usually this only happens when I'm on stairs, but I will often just count steps on a regular basis. This is why I know that every flight between floors here in our temporary building on campus has a different number of steps (between the basement and the third floor, there are six flights, each with a number of steps varying between 6 and 13 in a random manner, and this bugs me).

Yesterday I went to check the mail at home and learned that it is roughly 245 steps (including going down the steps in the building) from our front door to the mailboxes. This is a very important piece of information. Once I realize what it's good for I'll let you know.

Monday, March 15, 2010

For a bit

Things are "back to normal" for a bit. My trip went well, and I enjoyed myself in the nation's capital (even if I never did any sightseeing). My talk went great actually, and (while I may be bragging here, that's my right on this site) I got a lot of praise.

The best though was that there was a visitor from Duke also there, and I've known her for some time (since 2004). I had a conversation with her on Thursday and then Friday (after my talk) when I saw her, she just said, "Wonderful, wonderful talk. Just wonderful." So I felt good. If only a) she were on the committee there and b) this were not a job that is almost certainly going to someone pre-chosen.

This week, though, is a normal week. I will go in, work, come home. No travel or anything "out of the ordinary." In fact, I don't even think I have to go to JLab, which is always a bonus.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cold face

I don't shave very often. Well, at least once a week I trim down to stubble, but I never shave all the way to the skin. Of course, there are some people, while fine with me never shaving to the skin, would prefer I keep it shaved to stubble every three days or so.

But as I need to look presentable today and tomorrow, I did the unthinkable and shaved for real this morning.* I always think I look funny (and always get snarky comments from people around me, and luckily Kostas is not around because he really enjoys the mockery), but the weird part is how my face feels after shaving. When I went out to bring Dante for a walk before leaving the house, it just felt cold and naked and I felt extremely vulnerable.

Luckily the hair will grow back soon.
* Mind you, I still have a perpetual five o'clock shadow no matter what, which is part of the reason for not bothering to shave.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A little opened up

Good news for me. I had a meeting scheduled in Newport News tomorrow afternoon, and it just got moved to Thursday. This is great for several reasons. First, and foremost, it means I don't have to drive to Newport News (a chore I will be happy to do without next fall). Secondly, although it is a meeting I very much would like to attend, I now cannot because I will be out of town. Finally, something good happens!

The best part is that I already told someone else of this commitment, so the videoconference I am having before Wednesday evening won't be able to be scheduled during that time, meaning I have time available then to do whatever. Perhaps I'll even work.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's been a while

Things have been crazy the last few weeks, and a lot has happened...

  • Corbett's mom survived the massive quake in Chile. Of course the one day she was going to be in Santiago was the day the fifth worse earthquake in recorded history. Luckily she's on a package trip so getting out was fairly simple (although it took us 36 hours to hear from her that she was alright).

  • Corbett has a job offer, and that's awesome. This means we will both be gainfully employed next year, and don't have to try to get "actual jobs." The bad news is that the jobs we have are 1600 miles apart, which we were prepared for.

  • I have a videoconference interview this week as well as an in-person interview, and several other things that are going to make this upcoming week just too busy for my tastes. This will not stop me from watching Lost on Tuesday night, but still...