Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Marriage rant
If you haven't already heard, the state senate of New York voted against gay marriage today. I didn't write about this sort of thing much after the Maine debacle, but given the extra joyous hypocrisy of New York (by which I mean they will recognize a gay marriage if it's been performed in another state, just won't allow it there), I feel like I have to just vent some.I don't have much to say, really. I do, however, have an ever-growing hatred of the people who run this country, as well as many of the inhabitants. I shouldn't hate, I know, however it is more and more difficult to live day by day without these feelings growing. When I hear people say that they "love gay people, but just don't think they should get married," I feel the hatred in their voice (and don't try to tell me it isn't hatred; it is hatred pure and simple).
I think it is sickening that people are easily allowed to oppress others in the name of "God." I think it is disheartening that I am not fully considered a part of C's family (nor he a part of mine) because we are not legally married. It doesn't matter what people say, it matters to everyone in this country whether or not someone is your husband or your boyfriend. It is absurd that I could go marry some random woman that I just met, legally and with all of God's blessing, and the entire world would look at us and say, look at that happy couple. Oh sure, our families would take issue with it at first, but the very notion of being married would force them to overlook it and get used to it, and eventually (given that she wasn't a total psycho), they would grow to love the union.
The only thing that is making me not move out of this country right now is my spite. My spite is keeping me here, so that when gay marriage is fully legalized and all of you fuckers have to accept it, I can sit here and laugh myself to sleep thinking about how you are praying for our souls.
This is why all awesome people need to reproduce. Once our kids grow up learning values (real, actual values, not the "values" that conservatives vomit all over the place), eventually we will outnumber the douchebags. I really do believe that before we die, people will be all "can you believe there was a time when gay people didn't have equal rights?" I really do.
What I"m saying is that you and Corbett have a moral responsibility to raise babies. Lots and lots of babies. Hop to it, you lazy leeches.
You also might enjoy this link, about the domestic violence history of the one of the NY senators who voted against gay marriage:
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