Friday, November 13, 2009

Drying off

So the rain has almost stopped. It's drizzling, so it's not exactly a bright and sunny day, but it's infinitely better than the last two days. While we're far enough inland to be safe from the flooding that has happened all over the area, it was kind of miserable. What is hilarious is that everything even in the 'burg was delayed for opening for two hours (schools, and the like), so I wonder, do I go in at noon?

Oh, and just by the way. If you can only think of posting "TGIF" (or even worse, not capitalizing it: "tgif"), or "Yay! The weekend's here!" or something like that, you don't have something worthwhile to post as a status update.

The only thing worse are those people who get "a case of the Mondays"* or give a play by play of their morning:

"Ugh, need my coffee."

"Coffee's brewing."

"Have my coffee, am human again!"

Really, I just cannot handle this. If you are going to post updates regularly, great (more for me to read than work), but be original. It's not hard. Plenty of people do it...

* Truth be told, they are usually the same people.


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