Thursday, November 19, 2009

Put away the bitterness

I think I come across as too angry at times (re: last post), and sometimes it's with reason (re: last post), but other times I think I let it out when well, I should just relax and let it go. So it's gone (for now), and I am happy to say that I finished my latest project last night, almost. I have been working on this fantastic scarf for a few weeks, and I just finished it. I have to weave all of the ends (there are a lot, I have to say), and I'll do that tonight. I'm just happy because it's probably the coolest thing I've knitted (okay fine, I haven't knit very much)...

So today should be a good day.


Blogger Melinda said...

I don't know; the word "bitterness" has such crappy connotations, and anger really is what makes action happen a lot of times, I think. There's quite the history of people whose rights are violated being dubbed as "too angry" when they speak up, right? I say rage away.

Unless it's making you sick. Which it sometimes does for me, with this whole Stupak BS. In which case, maybe put the rage in a little box? Which you can open when it feels safe?

November 19, 2009 at 1:44 PM 
Blogger Topher said...

It actually has started to make me sick, and that's the problem. I'm dwelling too much on the negative, because I have paid too much attention to what is going on. Whether it's attacks on women, gays, "elitists," whatever. Like the person who said the other day something to the tune of "Liberals don't like Sarah Palin because...she had a kid with Down's Syndrome, and no liberal would let that happen."

I'm trying to forget about it so that I can enjoy the good things that are around. Like the Boobs commercial ;)

November 19, 2009 at 2:03 PM 

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