Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Poor bird

Warning: If you're upset by a sad animal death story, you may not wish to read the following...

On my way to work today I saw a terrible tragedy. On Jamestown road, I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw a bird fly across the street as the evil SUV* behind me, and it stupidly darted back in front of the SUV, while flying downward. During this time I think it realized what a mistake it was making so it tried to fly off but not before getting whacked by the evil SUV's tire.

It was a very disturbing sight since all I really saw was the body of the bird bounce off the tire and hit the side of the road with an explosion of feathers. It was a traumatic moment, and I am generally not a huge fan of birds. Still, it kind of put a damper on my day.
*Evil because he kept tailgating me earlier, in addition to the fact that it's an SUV.


Blogger Sarahlynn said...

I saw a bird tragedy while out for a run last week. (And since I move so slowly, I had plenty of time to take in the scene.)

Watching the road up ahead, I saw two gorgeous male cardinals playing. Are they fighting? Spring mating season? I wondered as I approached.

Then a car drove by and one of the cardinals took off. The other didn't. The car missed him, but as I drew even with the bird I saw that he hadn't been so lucky with an earlier car.

What I thought was avian frolicking was really just one bird fussing over another, whose neck was broken and feathers ruffling in the breeze.

A dead male cardinal in the springtime is such a sad sight. And I think perhaps this one had a partner who grieved his loss!

May 14, 2010 at 9:48 AM 

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