Thursday, February 11, 2010

The great W/D panic of 2010

We recieved a notice from the apartment on Saturday stating that we owed something like $200 in rent, plus attorney fees and late fees. This happened before when the new resident manager (we go through these like tissues, there have been five since I've lived here) didn't realize that we had a discounted rent. So I went to discuss this with them and found out that they finally learned that we had a washer/dryer in our apartment and started billing us (without telling us) in November.

Note, to rent these things, it's $50 a month, and the W/D was in the apartment when we moved in, and we just didn't tell anyone. I told them that we talked to the previous manager and she said that it was going to be an upcoming offer to not charge for them so we should just not worry about it.* Given that they never told us we were getting charged and we signed nothing that said we would agree to pay it, I felt of course the charge was unacceptable.

But the panic set in, so two days ago we did basically every bit of laundry we had (which is no small feat, as the dryer takes an absurd amount of time drying things), in case they were to come and take it away.

Luckily, when I spoke with them yesterday, they said they would remove the charges and we can kept the W/D until after April, when we'd have to start paying for it (and come on, it is so not worth fifty bucks a month). So the panic has died down and now we can just relax.

* Note, part of this is true, as two months after we moved into this apartment, this special did exist.


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