Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Dear fellow 'burgers...
I know living here in the 'burg, you are not used to snow. I get that. I respect that.I understand that it takes getting used to driving in it, because as I have done it very rarely in the last 14 years, it takes me some time getting used to it again.
I realize that you may not even own an ice scraper or snow brush, in fact, I don't. Of course I am frustrated when it snows and I have to go somewhere, so I have to clean off my car with my hands and arms. It's cold, and kind of miserable.
But you know what, if you only use your windshield wipers to clear off your car, you can't see. In fact, you won't know what's behind you nor to your side, and therefore, do not swerve over into the right lane when you don't know if someone is passing you or not.
This is especially important in a city where people never use their horns. Luckily I am not so shy, and will easily lay on it to alert you to your folly.
your fellow citizen.
I have an ice scraper but not a snow brush :(
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