Friday, June 5, 2009
So Dante had to go to the vet yesterday. This is the fourth time in the last couple of months. The first was just his annual checkup and shots, and then there was his teeth cleaning. I had to make a quick stop there to get his kennel cough shot (I like to get that as close as possible to boarding him, so that's why I didn't get that previously), and then the other day he got Staph Dermatitis. This was most likely from the floor at the kennel, adding irritation to his elbow (or front leg knee if you want to be Ellen) from lying on the metal floor (even though there is a cot in the kennel and he had his blanket--I think D just likes to be dramatic), and allowing the staph to move in and give him a crusty coating.What was funny was that the vet asked if I bring him running, because his heart rate was so low. I laughed, because of course I don't. He's not an active dog, although he does spend all day looking out the window and runs around the apartment like a maniac when there's a squirrel or dog outside.
It's even funnier because at my last dentist appointment, I was asked the same question: "Do you run?" for the same reason. Anyone who knows me and happened to be drinking coffee just now probably has a computer covered in the glorious caffeinated bevarge. Maybe I don't have to exercise and just can pretend I do. Apparently I can get away with it, as can Dante. Like father like son, egh?
That definitely made me laugh!!!! your blogs are the comics in my day!
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