Monday, May 25, 2009

A pseudo-busy weekend

This weekend was jam packed with just way too much excitement. First there was the evening of watching Spongebob Squarepants and too much E! with Sonya and Chris on Friday night (yep, we're exciting people), and then a good ol' barbeque on Saturday at Kostas's house. The decision to have it then was made before anyone realized it was Memorial Day weekend, but then again, everyone who went to the BBQ will be working today anyway. Either way, it was a good idea to have it then, the weather was perfect, and is not so now.

Sunday evening I saw Patti Lupone in concert here in Williamsburg (that's right, she came to this piddly town). She started the concert with, "Hello, and welcome to...the Virginia Room!* This is my dream come true, to perform on a platform in the Virginia Room." After much laughter she performed for just over an hour (too short), and the evening ended. She is pretty awesome, I'll say that.

Besides all of that, I've been packing. In two days I fly to NY to get the C-man. Two interesting notes:

A problem with society and teachers today This is interesting and irritating, but I love what the daughter says in the end of it. You should also click on the link in the post labelled "same teacher": For you feminists out there to get your blood boiling :)

CA Supreme Court Decision: Tomorrow, the California Supreme Court will issue its decision regarding the lawsuits against Prop 8. Most likely they'll uphold it but allow all of the already-performed marriages remain valid...10am pacific time everyone!

* A room in the basement of the Williamsburg Lodge, best served as a giant banquet hall but a platform was thrown in, with a bunch of tables and voila! Cabaret!


Blogger Aunt So-So said...

My goal is to get you hooked on Chelsea. Just a little at first, then you'll be begging for more. Glad you had fun at Patti LuPone.

May 25, 2009 at 12:37 PM 
Blogger Diane said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

May 25, 2009 at 2:00 PM 
Blogger Diane said...

RE: A problem with society and teachers today .....
OMG...that man is an idiot!!!!! And yes, he did get my blood boiling!

May 25, 2009 at 2:02 PM 

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