Sunday, May 10, 2009

A couple of things taken care of

So, I took care of two things that were very important to my way of life.

1) Many years ago I was essentially scammed by some "collection agency," who stated that there was a collection for $101 from Southwestern Bell for calls made from my phone. The calls were made after the number was cancelled, and I had SWBell send me a letter that I faxed the collector, who ignored it, and reported this "delinquency" to the credit bureaus*. It's been sitting there for six years and I have just let it sit there, but finally I contacted the credit bureaux** and got it taken off (with little hassle, I might add), so now it is clear of anything negative. Good for me for finally getting off my lazy ass.

2) More importantly, my fridge light went out last week. I thought to myself, I can live like this for a month, and since I'll be moving to a new place, I can just let it be. But you know, while I live a somewhat meager life, and tend to be exceedingly frugal***, I realized really quickly that I feel like a complete loser with a dark refrigerator. So I shelled out the 99 cents and bought a new bulb.****

* Or bureaux, if you want to be a pompous ass.

** What can I say, I'm frequently an ass.

*** Most people would just say "cheap son of a bitch."+

**** And no, I fought the urge to save the burnt out bulb and exchange it at the end of the month, so as to save the new bulb in case this traumatic event happens again in the near future.

+ I feel like swearing a lot in this post.


Blogger Aunt So-So said...

I love your mood today. I wish you were near so that I could throw change at you for being such a miserable cheapskate. XO

May 11, 2009 at 12:29 PM 
Blogger Topher said...

Oooh, I'll come by so you can throw some change at me. I could use some more :)

May 11, 2009 at 1:59 PM 

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