Friday, February 20, 2009

Sometimes it is just too much

Reading the news, I think, is a terrible way to begin a morning. My mood though is rarely tainted by the news, I'm getting used to the state of affairs we as a nation and a world are in. However, there are other things that I read about this morning that made me sick. And you know, this I will never get used to I think, and mostly because it is of course so very personal for me.

First had to do with this ex-gay crap. If you didn't know (which I doubt), there has been for quite a long time a movement to cure gays of their problems. By what I would consider torture, the "gay" is emotionally beaten down in someone until they fully deny it and step out saying that he/she is an ex-gay (note: not straight). There luckily is an organization Truth Wins Out that is working to rid the nation of this myth. Usually, these poor "ex-gays" will live a miserable life, lying to everyone including themselves, often marry and have kids, later only to destroy everyone's lives around them when they finally admit to themselves who they really are. I read this at TWO this morning. I have to say that I was a very lucky person when I came out, with regards to my parents. Whenever I read about these parents who not only disown their kids for being gay, it saddens me. But that honestly is better than the alternative of a parent who both disowns you and actively hates you for what you are. I know the official party line is that the parent loves his/her child and that is why they must practice this "tough love," but come on. It is hate pure and simple.

Then I read this: Utah State Senator says gays are greatest threat to US. On a normal day this would just make me laugh because, well, the absurdity of things like this really shows the faltering movement of hateful people. But this morning for some reason it really bothered me. I think it's because I'm a little emotional lately anyway, but also, well, I think about that poor 14-year old who knows he or she is gay and hears something like this on a regular basis. I know I believed things like this at that age, which is why it took me so long to come out. I think it is high time that people stopped this emotional abuse on our nation's youth.


Blogger Unknown said...


And I have to add that as a parent, I just refuse to accept the official party line. I don't believe that if you fundamentally love your child, you can disown her/him for being gay. Some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids.

February 20, 2009 at 10:08 AM 
Blogger Unknown said...

Also, stop threatening my country with your profound gay-ousity.

February 20, 2009 at 10:08 AM 
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, OH, and I have to tell you this one more thing: we've started driving an hour to Peoria every Sunday to go to this Unitarian church. It's basically the only liberal church in western IL, and we wanted S. to grow up with the whole Sunday-church ritual MINUS the fire and brimstone and people who don't believe in evolution. So.. Unitarians. Anywa, this past Sunday the church had a dedication ceremony for a little baby with two mommies. This whole vast extended family got up in front of the church and surrounded this couple and their baby, and the whole church clapped and said a blessing, and I am teling you that my eyes just about popped out of their sockets. I grew up in conservative Mennonite country. Never in my life did I think I would find a church that would openly recognize and celebrate a family headed by a same-sex couple. It made me want to dance a little jig.

It's not all bad. The good people will win out eventually.

February 20, 2009 at 10:15 AM 
Blogger Diane said...

I love you!

February 20, 2009 at 5:16 PM 

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