Friday, February 13, 2009

Too many thoughts

Currently I'm feeling a "Friday lull," with too many things on my mind. There's the interview that is over from the small-town 'burg, the phone interview (which went fine) from place-I-have-no-desire-to-be, and finally an upcoming interview at a big, public school, in the suburb of a substantial city. And that's just the job front (and I'm not including the Bonn position which is still something I am waiting to hear about).

Then there's work itself of course. Several things on my mind of what I should be doing right now, but many of them are things that I need to sit down and spend a good three-four hours on, and I tend to get unfocussed very easily right now. Part of it is being in New York, and the other is everything else on my mind.

The good news is I have my next New York trip planned, since I'm going to Brookhaven to give a seminar. This way, I can come up to the city for a week, minus the two days being out on Long Island. So it's all good.


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