Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm back, as is my arch-nemesis...

So here I am back in the 'burg, life is "back to normal," and nothing too unusual. I biked to work yesterday, despite the cold and my obvious lack of shape. It's amazing what three or four months can do to someone. Luckily I'm going down to the lab today, so I have to drive. Shucks.

In other news, I have my next interview next week, and it turns out, as expected, my arch-nemesis is also on the short list there. This is a person such that for every short list that I've been on, he is on it as well, so long as he applied for the position. Luckily (for me) he did not (for some reason) apply for the job I interviewed for last week. Last year, I realized that we gave almost identical job talks for the job here, since I could attend his. Additionally, we do, on paper, look very much the same (in person not at all of course), and until now we both have the same luck in getting jobs. Until that happens, I fear he will haunt me as my doppelgänger, and will be my nemesis. Unless I can determine his kryptonite...


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