Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Of all things...

I should let Corbett post about this but the chances of that are unlikely (well, he has posted 2 out of 60 posts...). There's a lot to say but I'll make it quick (sort of).

We got up to New York on Thursday, to find Corbett's apartment in good shape. Except it was missing his bed. Yes, you read that right, his bed. In its place was a cheapy $50 mattress and no boxspring on top of his bed frame. Long story short: The subletter says he took out Corbett's bed to replace it with a queen while he was living there and "thought he put the right one back." I don't even have to go into how many things are wrong with this story. Corbett gave him until today to get his bed back to him or he's using the deposit to buy a new one. I'll keep you posted.

I came back to the 'burg Sunday after an as-usual exhausting drive (I'm losing patience for long drives, and I now understand why my parents would rather take many more days to get somewhere if it meant less time in the car each day). I'm proud because both yesterday and today I biked to campus, which I will do at least three times a week, and depending on how I feel tomorrow, I may bike again. That is up in the air because I have to teach and I'm not sure I want to be the "sweaty teacher" tomorrow. Give them a week to come up with some other point of mockery, then I can become sweaty.

Ugh. That's all for now.


Blogger Laurie K said...

R and I are greatly amused by the bed story.

August 26, 2008 at 1:05 PM 
Blogger sunglasseshurtmynose said...


August 26, 2008 at 3:13 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll come up with a point of mockery.

August 28, 2008 at 9:25 AM 

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