Monday, August 18, 2008

Gotta get there...

Remember when you couldn't get somewhere fast enough as a kid? As a child, one of the things my mother probably said too many times was, "Slow down!" or "Stop running!" But she didn't understand how much of a rush I was in. Clearly whatever I was going to was more exciting than where I had been. Getting off the school bus, I would run across the street and up the driveway into the house. Checking the mail for my parents I would run. I would run hurriedly throughout the house, because come on, it was fun and I had places to be.

Similarly, I would run up stairs, taking two and often three steps at a time. I'd leap down stairs in the same way. This is what makes me think of this childhood behavior. While I very rarely run anywhere, I do take steps two and still sometimes three at a time. This comes across (to me, anyway) as somewhat childish, and I wonder if this would be yet another defining moment of "becoming a real adult." I look at others my age, and they don't seem to go up stairs this way.

Well, whatever, I can't stop this behavior. I tried doing it just now and it didn't work. It failed just miserably. Alas.


Blogger Aunt So-So said...

I skip steps on my way up (actually I haul ass), but rarely on my way down. I often worry that I will eat it at work while I'm running up the stairs in dress shoes, but the nice thing about being an adult is that I have health insurance.

August 18, 2008 at 3:42 PM 
Blogger Laurie K said...

I never ran around fast like that. I have always been more slow and taking in the scenery. That's why my mom instead was yelling, "stop dawdling!"

August 19, 2008 at 12:57 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you fall at work when you tried to stop taking more than one step at a time?

August 19, 2008 at 10:23 AM 

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