Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I'm getting more and more sick of the "arrogant ones" out there. Many exist everywhere, and quite a few in my field. The specific ones I am referring to are those who think that they know more about what you're working on than you do. These conversations usually involve the other person acting as though they've already thought about your stupid "new" idea that you're mentioning to them, and how could you not think about the pitfalls?

This, obviously, happened today, where the conversation went something like (I'll leave out the technical details):

Me (and a colleague): We have this idea to do this neat new thing with A, B, and C.
Him: Well, you have the problem with A [my field, not his], because it has these issues blah.
Us: No, that's not a problem at all because I know more than you [I didn't say that of course, just told him the flaw in his limited knowledge without sounding as arrogant as I sound now].
Him: Well, then there's B's problem.
Us: No, that's not how it works.
Him: Then C.
Us: No.

You get the idea. Ultimately he realized he didn't know what was going on, or at least he realized that although he's smart and knows a good amount of stuff, it doesn't mean he knows it all. Of course, he never admitted that, and never will.


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