Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New digs

So the move to the new building is almost complete. The only thing I need now is a key to my office (talk about great planning: "We'll move you all over the holidays, but since the campus is closed, no one will be around to give you a key."), and working phones. Andre has a key to the office that he swiped from someone, so we've had access this last week, given us a chance to set things up.

The phone issue is hilarious. Both of our numbers are accessibe through the same jack, but we can't make outgoing calls on either of them, and when it rings when someone calls, we can pick up the receiver, but the phone keeps ringing. So who knows if IT will be out to fix this today or not, but it's rather irritating.

The building itself is pretty gloomy. Not that the other was all that great, I mean, they are renovating it after all, but that was a form of dismal I had become accustomed to over the last two-and-a-half years. It's worse there now, as I went to the old building and it looked like a wasteland. Desolate, and with not everything taken out (some of the furniture in my old office I didn't keep), it looks like the place was evacuated in a panic. Like our own little end-of-the-world movie.

But it's a new year. I have things to worry about now, that I didn't have before, and I have plenty of other things on my mind, which is sure to take over my life any second now. But first, my coffee.


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