Wednesday, January 6, 2010


According to the 'burg's website (which is nicely updated and very informative, I must say), our street is supposed to be repaired by the end of this month. I haven't posted about this, even though I feel I should have, but not too long ago, they started work on our street, right next to the apartment complex. This made for some minor inconvenience of having someone direct traffic on the at-the-time-one-lane road. As far as we could tell, all that was happening was that they were digging a rather large hole next to the road. Also, FYI, the road basically is bounded by ravines on either side.

Then came the infamous "November Nor'easter," which dropped 6-10 inches of rain on the area, eroding the nice new hole they dug, and collapsing the road. Thus, they had to shut it down completely, and block our access to that escape route, which is the best way to get basically anywhere but the grocery store here. So now it looks like this:

It has looked like this for a month now, and I feel as though it's going to be several months before it's finished, and I also have this fear that the road itself will completely collapse, and they'll just give up. Maybe that's not the right attitude, but alas...


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