Thursday, September 3, 2009
People should mind their own business
Several times a week, I feel as though I have an interaction with someone I do not know that makes me think, "Mind your own business." Usually I do not say this, and I come up with other great comebacks after the fact. Sometimes these people butt in out of (what they think is) kindness, and other times it's just because they can't stay out of other peoples' lives.Case 1: Yesterday I was biking home and stopped off at the library. I had a DVD to return, so I leaned my bike up against an outside wall so I could run in, drop it off, and head out. No need to lock it up. As I was walking away, a lady said to me, "Are you just dropping something off or are you staying a while?" I think she was implying, "It's not safe to just leave your bike there unattended, you naive little man." I wanted to just say, "Mind your own business," but I mumbled something about how I wouldn't leave it unlocked for more than a second and moved on. But seriously, if I wanted to just leave my bike there for four hours, it would be my fault if it were stolen. Why does she have anything to do with it?
Case 2: (This didn't happen to me, but still angers me.) Last week Corbett was walking Dante outside and Dante was doing his business on a tree. A grumpy old man yelled at him, saying that it was unsanitary that Dante was peeing on a tree. I don't recall Corbett's reaction, but um, how is anything outside sanitary? It's outside! I would also liked to have said, "You're lucky we pick up after him when he poops, unlike most everyone else here, so shut the hell up!" I wouldn't have, but it would have felt good.
These are just a couple of examples. I would come up with more, but I really should work. And I'm sure I am going to.
When I walked dogs I got yelled at for letting the dogs pee on every possible surface -- tree, sidewalk, grass, street, weeds, car tires, you name it.
Wow, that is just ridiculous! WHERE do they expect dogs to pee?
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