Friday, August 14, 2009

Georgia Peach

So we spent the last week visiting my family in Georgia. It was a good week, primarily to celebrate my dad's birthday (as he says, he's 18 going on 19, and has been that since I was a kid).

The bad part is that it's a ten-hour drive, and Dante doesn't like the car. He tolerates it, but hates it. Of course, that's a small part of the journey. While we were there we saw the new Harry Potter with my mother, sister, and brother-in-law*, and Julie & Julia with just my mom. The latter movie was cute, and I enjoyed watching Meryl play Julia Child. It made me want to cook lots of things with lots of butter. Harry Potter of course was excellent.

One of the nights we hung out in Atlanta with my sister. We had sushi and then went to her little watering hole where I proceeded to not drink too much because I had to drive us home (well, me and Corbett) to my parents' house, whch was 45 minutes away. But we had a good time regardless, and I finally got to see what my sister talks about all the time.

Overall though, it was a relaxing vacation, and now I have to pretend to get back to work. That'll be easy since it's Friday. I can pretend for today and then, voila! Weekend!

(There are other things to discuss but I'll wait until later to post about them.)

* All four of us waited to go see it until this trip, so that we could see it with my mom, so hopefully she was grateful for the sacrifice.


Blogger Diane said...

* yes I was...I really wanted to see it too and waited for us to see it all together!

August 14, 2009 at 11:34 AM 

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