Monday, August 17, 2009

Knitting and Seizures

So I have had seizures in my life, two in fact. Most everyone who knows me probably knows this, and it's not a huge deal at all. When I was a child, I had one and went on medication for a while, and all was good. I was around 12, I think, and when I was almost 14, the doctor figured we could try me off the medication. A few months later (while at a Catholic Youth Convention down in Portland, Maine, two-and-a-half hours away from home no less), I had another one and basically that clinched it: I'd be on the meds forever. That was over 18 years ago, and every morning and night I take my medication. Since I'm a ritualistic kind of person, this is not an issue. It's part of my daily routine.

Of course, it has a downside. I'm practically considered a threat to democracy by many states' DMVs, and I can see why. If I went off my medication, it is conceivable that I could have a seizure while driving and therefore endanger myself and others. Both of mine though have happened late at night when I was severely sleep deprived (and both times not at home, the first was while visiting my aunt in Rhode Island). But it's just extra paperwork here and there. Now, with Maine and New York, I filled out a form when I got my license and anytime it was up for renewal. Missouri could have cared less.

Virginia, though, is hard core. They want it every two years. So right after returning from Beijing, I got a form that said "OFFICIAL NOTICE" in large, foreboding letters. I kind of freaked at first until I read it and it said to fill out this form, have a doctor fill it out, and then send it in within two months. Not a big deal, but it not means that I have to set up an appointment with my doctor, since I haven't seen him in just over a year (so they can get paid by the insurance company and I can cough up the copay), and that of course means I get to sit in a waiting room.

Now, how does this relate to knitting? Well, it's a new obsession of mine (well, ours, and Corbett's taken it up as well, and he really started it), after being taught by my mother while in Georgia last week. Right now I've just been playing around with knitting whatever and various stitches. By the time I have my appointment, I will hopefully have started my first real project, and so my question is this: Am I strong enough to bring my knitting with me to the doctor's office so while I wait forever in the waiting room, I can work on it?

As most people know, I have given up security with my masculinity long ago, and I wonder if this is just going to be the nail in the coffin...


Blogger Laurie K said...

Dude. Knitting was totally done all the time by manly Irish fishermen. In fact, I think there was a time when it was very manly and women weren't allowed to do it.

August 21, 2009 at 10:56 AM 

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