Monday, January 26, 2009


So I made Candied Bacon Ice Cream and brought it over to Sonya and Chris's house for dessert last night (and perhaps they had some for breakfast as well, I mean, it is a full breakfast: Milk, Egg, just happens to be mixed together and frozen). This was something I saw someone make on Iron Chef America, and was always curious.

The verdict? Well, I would say that it is worth a try, and very good. Something that, if you see it on a menu somewhere, order it. You won't be disappointed. But, three scoops is too much. At first, you are like, "Mmm, this is good. Salty mixed with sweet. Tasty." Then after a while, your tune changes to, "Okay, there is a lot of bacon in here!" But either way, I was excited to try it, and now I must move onto a new ice cream!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about strawberry?

January 26, 2009 at 10:55 AM 

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