Sunday, November 16, 2008
Final overseas flight for a while?
I'm in Seoul now. For all my friends in the US, this message comes to you from the future, as it is currently 10am, Monday morning here, while it is still 8 pm Sunday night on the east coast. Don't think that it's all that exciting: It's still a Monday morning (with jet-lag).As I have done pretty much nothing yet, except eat and get an office (I start my lectures in the next half-hour or so), there's not much to say. But I will say this, after the hour-long cab ride to the hotel last night: I love being in a country where the Hyundai reigns supreme (this is dedicated to Melinda and Ellen, my fellow Hyundai owners). I took a cab which was a Hyundai, and almost everyone drives them here. There are models of this car that would make a Mercedes look like a poor person's car. It is a beautiful country.
And now I will end, so I can attempt to prepare myself for my oh-so-exciting lecture which begins soon. And btw: It is freezing over here right now!
I'm so annoyed that you're in the future again. ;)
Yes, it's very weird. By the time I go to bed tonight, Christopher will be finishing his work day tomorrow. The best part is that on his way back, he'll land in New York before he'll have even left Japan. How cool is that?
Perhaps you should get tickets to another opera for the night he gets back.
Well, now that you mention it, this is playing the day he gets back. IT LOOKS SO COOL!!! People swimming through the air, forests of writhing trees, the stage floor turned into a lake, and acrobats suspended from the ceiling riding virtual horses. Who said opera was boring? (don't worry, Christopher, I'll spare you this one)
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