Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I Barack'd the vote just now. The line was practically non-existent, as we went at 9:30am, just after the morning rush, but before any possible lunchtime rush. Also, it was just a bit too early for students to be showing up there. As we were leaving, the line doubled, mostly with William & Mary students, so perfect timing. Even with the slight complication with Corbett (first-time VA voter and he hasn't gotten his license here yet), everything went smoothly. We had three people to vote for, and I voted correctly on all three, and no ballot propositions.

I'm all giddy with excitement about this now. I don't think I'll be able to last the rest of the day. I want to find out NOW! Although the first results are in: Obama wins 71% of the vote!

Go Obama!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the last time, we already voted! Gosh!

November 4, 2008 at 4:19 PM 

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