Sunday, April 27, 2008
Wythe and Wythe-out
It was another colonial weekend here, at least partially. Friday night, we did nothing colonial, per se, but instead had dinner at the best Thai restaurant in the 'burg with Sonya, Chris, and Chris's mother. After dinner we went to Rita's for some delicious ice cream, and sadly Corbett and I had to rush home for Battlestar Galactica. Priorities, people!Saturday morning we spent an hour and a half in the Colonial 'burg. We took a tour of George Wythe's house (tutor to Thomas Jefferson, lawyer, and all around great Virginian!), and the Governor's Palace. It was all very nice, although don't get Corbett started on the "America is great and the British king was evil" bias that persists here. I have to agree, that the "we hated Lord Dunmore because he personified all that was evil British" is bizarre. Either way, the tour was fun, primarily because it's fun to see all the old things lying around the houses.
Last night we watched (most of) La Vie en Rose, although we didn't finish it. I wasn't really into it, but then again, I had never really heard of Edith Piaf before, and well, the movie was hard to follow. We didn't realize how long it was, and thus got too tired before it ended. We may finish it at some point, but I'm not sure. I don't think I would notice it if we don't.
Today was a day of visiting the James City County branch of the 'burg Regional Libary, and then doing some work (I was finishing my talk for my visit to Haverford). The excitement never ends.
Good luck to you in Philly, and good luck to Corbett driving alone in Hampton Roads!
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