Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wrist Connection

I've always known the 'burg is a small town. I've seen the same cars everywhere on different sides of town (okay, so the town is small, so "different sides" really are within 15 minutes of each other by car), and the same cops everywhere. With my life centered around the College, there is a lot of repeat "customers" every day. But now for some reason this additional converging of lives kind of cracked me up.

Corbett mentioned that whenever he goes to the music library on campus, he sees the same girl with dreads. This made me pause, so I started describing her (light brown hair, wrist brace on her right arm, much later I remembered that she works for a landscaping company). Turns out it is the same girl that sat next to me yesterday morning at my last wrist therapy session. She was just starting, and had mentioned that she played the cello and wanted to get her wrist in working order.

I know it's not that grandiose, since she was a college student and the therapy center is the closest to campus, but still, it made us remember yet again how small this place is.

Of course, I get that reminder daily, and I do kind of love it.


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