Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm back

I have returned to the 'burg, and there is so much that I would love to post about, but due to a hangover-like feeling in my head (long day of driving back in the pouring rain yesterday after too little sleep), and in the interest of brevity, here's a quick summary:

Neti pot: Corbett and I got Neti-pots, after Laurie posted about it. I'm on the fence about it right now, although already it's better. I've used it since Wednesday, and for the first few days I had a running nose constantly. Now I do tend to feel better and I think I can breathe more regularly.

Thanksgiving: A day of too much food. Maggie joined us the night before for dinner (Rachael Ray's pasta primavera, delish!) and poached fruit (Corbett still has tons left over), and helped us cook the next day. Kelly came over and much food was consumed. We ended the evening with Christmas in Connecticut, a sad replacement for White Christmas, which I forgot this year :(

Milk: Corbett and I saw Milk on Saturday night. This is a must-see movie for everyone, I must say. It was extremely well done (I tend to like Gus Van Sant movies, though), and Sean Penn did a great job. It's an interesting story, because the anti-gay activists have had the same stupid talking points for over thirty years, and at times you feel like you're just watching modern-day news. It gave me tremendous hope for the future, while also making me try to figure out now what I can do to help.


Blogger Laurie K said...

It took me two weeks to see the full awesome effects of the neti pot. Also, my dad and my mom's secretary also use it now. I am a neti pot prophet!

December 1, 2008 at 6:50 PM 
Blogger Topher said...

And Maggie's getting've really started a movement...I've not given up on it, and actually, felt really good today. I think it's better when I do it at night...

December 1, 2008 at 8:57 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to get one for Nathan.

December 2, 2008 at 10:56 AM 

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