Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Virginia TV

OK, so I know I never blog. I've hardly even read this one. But I felt I needed to share this priceless Virginia moment.

Because I am now alone here, I have nothing to do with my evenings other than 1) work, or 2) rip classical CDs I've checked out of the library. Since I was sick of writing and have milked the poor libraries dry, I found myself tonight, mouth agape, watching the two-hour long "So You Think You Can Dance" marathon extravaganza, otherwise known as "The Gayest Thing On Television." In the midst of this fascinating experience, the following commercial aired:

Now, I don't watch much television, but... breastfeeding? I can understand dairy farmers promoting milk, or even a breast pump manufacturer encouraging mothers to feed their children breast milk, but why advertise something that has no commercial gain or political significance? Who cares if you breastfeed? Maybe we should start a new ad campaign: "Circumcise!" Should mothers even be getting medical advice about their children from a television commercial? I, for one, know that my older sister was jaundiced as a baby and my mother was told to stop breastfeeding because it was making the jaundice worse. I was thus spared the fate of having to suck that teat, and look at me! I'm fine...

Then, shortly afterwards, I see this:

Optimism! Are they serious?! People must be really miserable here to need this kind of encouragement (unless it was just a vocabulary lesson, in which case I completely understand). Here are a few more ideas for the better life gurus: "Punctuality!" "Cleanliness!" "Table Manners!" (never mind the more ethically relevant "Kindness," "Tolerance," and "Compassion" ) This is a red state, right? I thought Republicans wanted the government to stay out of people's business. . .


P.S. Laurie gets here tomorrow! Woo-hoo!


Blogger Topher said...

That's hilarious...I must say, the commercials are really worth watching sometimes in VA...

June 5, 2008 at 6:24 AM 
Blogger sunglasseshurtmynose said...

Brilliant! Have you seen the ads that beg people to stop fertilizing their lawns because of the damage the fertilizer run-off does to the bay, which then kills the blue crab, which then reduces the amount of tastey blue crab we can eat. Who are they kidding? Blue crab is gross.

June 5, 2008 at 1:27 PM 
Blogger Aunt So-So said...

I concur. Hilarious and hilarious! And I don't care for blue crab. It looks like brains or ramen noodles. Gross.

June 5, 2008 at 1:54 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually saw the Optimism commercial while I was watching the same show! And then I saw another one like it last night!

June 6, 2008 at 5:27 PM 
Blogger Sarahlynn said...

But just imagine what you could have accomplished with the extra 5 IQ points! (That's tongue-in-cheek, but research suggests that breastfeeding boosts IQ as well as a host of other benefits including hardier immune systems.)

I think the spots are meant to be PSAs to counter ads from Nestle and other major formula producers.

That said, I'm not humorless and I think it's a pretty sad commentary on our society that this medium is seen as effective way to distribute parenting advice!

Breastfeeding and jaundice

June 11, 2008 at 1:51 PM 

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